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About This Month's Authors
Bob Adkins
Bob consults, lectures and publishes on Internet and Web engineering topics. Mr. Adkins expects developing economies to benefit greatly through the right application of open source software. He can be reached at [email protected].
Stephen Adler
Stephen, known as a Linux devotee by Linux Today, started using Linux in Feb of 1996 and GNU software since 1990. He is a nuclear physicist working on the PHENIX detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory where he hopes to help in the discovery of the quark gluon plasma (QGP). The QGP is a new state of nuclear matter which is postulated to exist according to our current understanding nuclear and elementary particle physics. Stephen is using Linux and GNU software to help try to reach this goal.
Larry Ayers
Larry lives on a small farm in northern Missouri, where he is currently engaged in building a timber-frame house for his family. He operates a portable band-saw mill, does general woodworking, plays the fiddle and searches for rare prairie plants, as well as growing shiitake mushrooms. He is also struggling with configuring a Usenet news server for his local ISP.
Jim Dennis
Jim is the proprietor of Starshine Technical Services. His professional experience includes work in the technical support, quality assurance, and information services (MIS) departments of software companies like Quarterdeck, Symantec/ Peter Norton Group, and McAfee Associates -- as well as positions (field service rep) with smaller VAR's. He's been using Linux since version 0.99p10 and is an active participant on an ever-changing list of mailing lists and newsgroups. He's just started collaborating on the 2nd Edition for a book on Unix systems administration. Jim is an avid science fiction fan -- and was married at the World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim.
Michael J. Hammel
A Computer Science graduate of Texas Tech University, Michael J. Hammel, [email protected], is an software developer specializing in X/Motif living in Dallas, Texas (but calls Boulder, CO home for some reason). His background includes everything from data communications to GUI development to Interactive Cable systems, all based in Unix. He has worked for companies such as Nortel, Dell Computer, and Xi Graphics. Michael writes the monthly Graphics Muse column in the Linux Gazette, maintains the Graphics Muse Web site and theLinux Graphics mini-Howto, helps administer the Internet Ray Tracing Competition (http://irtc.org) and recently completed work on his new book "The Artist's Guide to the Gimp", published by SSC, Inc. His outside interests include running, basketball, Thai food, gardening, and dogs.
John Holmwood
John is a freelance writer and consultant specializing in Enterprise Architecture and Open Source Software. He has 20 years experience in the Information Technology industry. For the last 5 years, John has been the Infrastructure Architect at NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. where he and his colleagues developed an Information Technology Architecture based on Open System Standards. John has published papers on in the USENIX association magazine ';login:' and the Middleware Spectra trade journal.
Ron Jenkins
Ron has over 20 years experience in RF design, satellite systems, and UNIX/NT administration. He currently resides in Central Missouri where he is pursuing his writing, helping folks solve problems and find solutions, teaching, and generally having a dandy time while looking for some telecommuting work. Ron is married and has two stepchildren.
Jean Francois Martinez
Jean is a mainframe system administrator by day and a Linuxer by night. He began using Minix in 1991 and Linux in 1994. His present project involves adapting Linux for use by nontechnical users. He has a six year old daughter named Agnes.
J.W. Pennington
After 8 years, J.W. Pennington escaped from the U.S. Military and is currently in hiding. He is posing as an older student who is completing his degrees in Anthropology and Geology at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. He began playing with computers at the age of 12, and still has the TI 99/4A on which he taught himself BASIC. A collector of old computers, his lifelong dream is to build a house in the shape and color of a Vic-20, with a huge keyboard as the front porch, and a game port as the garage.
Gilbert Ramirez
Gilbert is a UNIX administrator, but helps out with all technology at the hospital system where he works. He is an ex-linguist, with a special interest in the Tupi-Guarani family of languages. He spends his weekends picking up floppy diskettes thrown around by his 2-year old son.
Alolita Sharma
Alolita advises commercial and government clients on software engineering, telecommunications, service/network management, and Internet/Web engineering. She is a keen Linux enthusiast and also enjoys writing and lecturing on software and Web engineering. Ms. Sharma can be reached at [email protected].
Walt Stoneburner
Walt currently works as a Software Engineer for Downright Software, LLC. In his spare time he enjoys working with Linux, playing non-computer games, reading, and reviewing hardware and development software. Feel free to contact him at [email protected] or ICQ# 5368391.
Dan York
Dan is a technical instructor and the training manager for a technology training company located in central New Hampshire. He has been working with the Internet and UNIX systems for 13 years. While his passion is with Linux, he has also spent the past two-and-a-half years working with Windows NT. He is both a Microsoft Certified System Engineer and Microsoft Certified Trainer and has also written a book for QUE on one of the MCSE certification exams. He is anxiously awaiting the day when he can start teaching Linux certification classes.
Not Linux
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our new mirror sites.
I'm sick of the impeachment trial and wish a way could be found for the Senate to get on with "business as usual" without the Republicans feeling like they have lost face. Of course, in my opinion they already have. All the polls show the American people don't want Clinton impeached and want the Congress to get on with their "real work". For the Republicans to completely ignore this and go forward with the trial, all the time saying the American people are apathetic, shows an incredible arrogance on their part. They obviously think their constituents have no intelligence and no opinions worth listening too.
I voted for Clinton but I wouldn't vote for him again. His complete lack of judgement in his personal life is appalling. However, I don't think he has done anything that can be called a "high crime".
Enough of the soap box.
Have fun!
Marjorie L. Richardson
Editor, Linux Gazette,

Linux Gazette Issue 37, February 1999, http://www.linuxgazette.com
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,