"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

The Answer Guy

By James T. Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services, http://www.starshine.org/

The original thread about FoxPlus appeared in July (Issue 30).

(?)FoxPlus for Linux ?

From L.U.S.T List on 20 Aug 1998

I'd just like to thank you (Jim Dennis) for your very comprehensive and helpful responses to the XBase question. I had no idea there were so many database options available for Linux. I joined this conversation out of idle personal interest, but now I think I see some possibilities for solutions for current needs we have at our company.

(!)I'm glad to hear it.
This is one of the reasons that I copy many of these messages to "The Linux Gazette's Answer Guy" column. That way they'll be found by the search engines and pop up in many (relevant) queries.
It's also one of the reasons that I include so many URL's in my messages. This is also for the "teach a man to fish" philosophy (don't provide just the answer --- but pointers to lots of related answers).
Linux has grown to the point where no one knows how big it is or how many ways in which it is being used. The fact that there is no "central Linux authority" (or vendor) makes it difficult to size up the Linux market.

Copyright © 1998, James T. Dennis
Published in Linux Gazette Issue 32 September 1998

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