"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

The Answer Guy

By James T. Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services, http://www.starshine.org/

Chris Gushue's question about nullmodems was posted in July (Issue 30).

(?)A Convert!

From Chris Gushue on 29 Jul 1998

About a week after asking for help about connecting Linux and Windows 95 via null modem, I totally switched over to Linux (well, with a small Windows partition for the occasional game). I got fed up after numerous crashes while just installing it, plus my brand new Gravis GamePad Pro didn't work in 98 at the time. I can make my Linux system do pretty much anything I want, either in text mode or in X. Plus, I don't have to reboot at least once a day. To summarize, it's much better to run Linux than Windows (well, everyone knows that, of course!). Instead I think I'll work on setting up a LAN with my Linux system (on a cable modem) with two Windows 95 systems (my roommates-to-be systems). Shouldn't be too hard - except for maybe the Windows configuration (I expect no less than 3 reboots) :)

Great column - keep up the great work!

(!)Glad I could help.

Copyright © 1998, James T. Dennis
Published in Linux Gazette Issue 32 September 1998

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