28.2. /proc

The /proc directory is actually a pseudo-filesystem. The files in the /proc directory mirror currently running system and kernel processes and contain information and statistics about them.

bash$ cat /proc/devices
Character devices:
   1 mem
   2 pty
   3 ttyp
   4 ttyS
   5 cua
   7 vcs
  10 misc
  14 sound
  29 fb
  36 netlink
 128 ptm
 136 pts
 162 raw
 254 pcmcia

 Block devices:
   1 ramdisk
   2 fd
   3 ide0
   9 md

bash$ cat /proc/interrupts
   0:      84505          XT-PIC  timer
   1:       3375          XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
   5:          1          XT-PIC  soundblaster
   8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
  12:       4231          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  14:     109373          XT-PIC  ide0
 NMI:          0 
 ERR:          0

bash$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name     rio rmerge rsect ruse wio wmerge wsect wuse running use aveq

    3     0    3007872 hda 4472 22260 114520 94240 3551 18703 50384 549710 0 111550 644030
    3     1      52416 hda1 27 395 844 960 4 2 14 180 0 800 1140
    3     2          1 hda2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    3     4     165280 hda4 10 0 20 210 0 0 0 0 0 210 210

bash$ cat /proc/loadavg
0.13 0.42 0.27 2/44 1119

Shell scripts may extract data from certain of the files in /proc. [1]

kernel_version=$( awk '{ print $3 }' /proc/version )

CPU=$( awk '/model name/ {print $4}' < /proc/cpuinfo )

if [ $CPU = Pentium ]

The /proc directory contains subdirectories with unusual numerical names. Every one of these names maps to the process ID of a currently running process. Within each of these subdirectories, there are a number of files that hold useful information about the corresponding process. The stat and status files keep running statistics on the process, the cmdline file holds the command-line arguments the process was invoked with, and the exe file is a symbolic link to the complete path name of the invoking process. There are a few more such files, but these seem to be the most interesting from a scripting standpoint.

Example 28-1. Finding the process associated with a PID

# pid-identifier.sh: Gives complete path name to process associated with pid.

ARGNO=1  # Number of arguments the script expects.

if [ $# -ne $ARGNO ]
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` PID-number" >&2  # Error message >stderr.

pidno=$( ps ax | grep $1 | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep $1 )
# Checks for pid in "ps" listing, field #1.
# Then makes sure it is the actual process, not the process invoked by this script.
# The last "grep $1" filters out this possibility.
if [ -z "$pidno" ]  # If, after all the filtering, the result is a zero-length string,
then                # no running process corresponds to the pid given.
  echo "No such process running."

# Alternatively:
#   if ! ps $1 > /dev/null 2>&1
#   then                # no running process corresponds to the pid given.
#     echo "No such process running."
#    fi

# To simplify the entire process, use "pidof".

if [ ! -r "/proc/$1/$PROCFILE" ]  # Check for read permission.
  echo "Process $1 running, but..."
  echo "Can't get read permission on /proc/$1/$PROCFILE."
  exit $E_NOPERMISSION  # Ordinary user can't access some files in /proc.

# The last two tests may be replaced by:
#    if ! kill -0 $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 # '0' is not a signal, but
                                      # this will test whether it is possible
                                      # to send a signal to the process.
#    then echo "PID doesn't exist or you're not its owner" >&2
#    exit $E_BADPID
#    fi

exe_file=$( ls -l /proc/$1 | grep "exe" | awk '{ print $11 }' )
# Or       exe_file=$( ls -l /proc/$1/exe | awk '{print $11}' )
# /proc/pid-number/exe is a symbolic link
# to the complete path name of the invoking process.

if [ -e "$exe_file" ]  # If /proc/pid-number/exe exists...
then                 # the corresponding process exists.
  echo "Process #$1 invoked by $exe_file."
  echo "No such process running."

# This elaborate script can *almost* be replaced by
# ps ax | grep $1 | awk '{ print $5 }'
# However, this will not work...
# because the fifth field of 'ps' is argv[0] of the process,
# not the executable file path.
# However, either of the following would work.
#       find /proc/$1/exe -printf '%l\n'
#       lsof -aFn -p $1 -d txt | sed -ne 's/^n//p'

# Additional commentary by Stephane Chazelas.

exit 0

Example 28-2. On-line connect status


PROCNAME=pppd        # ppp daemon
PROCFILENAME=status  # Where to look.
INTERVAL=2           # Update every 2 seconds.

pidno=$( ps ax | grep -v "ps ax" | grep -v grep | grep $PROCNAME | awk '{ print $1 }' )
# Finding the process number of 'pppd', the 'ppp daemon'.
# Have to filter out the process lines generated by the search itself.
#  However, as Oleg Philon points out,
#+ this could have been considerably simplified by using "pidof".
#  pidno=$( pidof $PROCNAME )
#  Moral of the story:
#+ When a command sequence gets too complex, look for a shortcut.

if [ -z "$pidno" ]   # If no pid, then process is not running.
  echo "Not connected."
  echo "Connected."; echo

while [ true ]       # Endless loop, script can be improved here.

  if [ ! -e "/proc/$pidno/$PROCFILENAME" ]
  # While process running, then "status" file exists.
    echo "Disconnected."

netstat -s | grep "packets received"  # Get some connect statistics.
netstat -s | grep "packets delivered"

  sleep $INTERVAL
  echo; echo


exit 0

# As it stands, this script must be terminated with a Control-C.

#    Exercises for the reader:
#    Improve the script so it exits on a "q" keystroke.
#    Make the script more user-friendly in other ways.


In general, it is dangerous to write to the files in /proc, as this can corrupt the filesystem or crash the machine.



Certain system commands, such as procinfo, free, vmstat, lsdev, and uptime do this as well.