"The Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

(?) The Answer Guy (!)

By James T. Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services, http://www.starshine.org/

(?) Using "odd" modem settings

From [email protected] on Fri, 08 Jan 1999

(?) I am trying to use diald to connect to compuserve. Compuserve requires that the port settings be set at 7 bits - Even Parity before the login and then set back to 8 bits with no parity after sending the password.

I can't seem to find a way to do this with chat. What am I missing?

(!) Terminal line settings are normally controlled with 'stty' using commands like:
stty -parodd parenb cs7 < /dev/ttyS?
... not the redirection from the modem serial device node not to it. That's a quirk of this command; it works by issuing ioctl()'s on it's input file descriptor.
Just offhand I don't know how to invoke stty during 'chat' --- it might not be possible. In the worst case you might have to hack together your own version of 'chat' to add a command or two (which could then invoke the appropriate 'stty' command through a system() call --- or could incorporate some of the 'stty' sources directly.
I'm not enough of a programmer to do this in a reasonable time --- but it's a possibility.
Did you do a Yahoo! and Alta Vista search on the phrase "+Linux +CompuServe"? Is anyone else using Linux to access their CompuServe accounts?

Copyright © 1999, James T. Dennis
Published in The Linux Gazette Issue 37 February 1999

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