"The Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

(?) The Answer Guy (!)

By James T. Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services, http://www.starshine.org/

(?) Arabic BiDi Support for Linux

From Anas Nashif on Fri, 25 Dec 1998

(?) Hi, I was wondering if its possible in one way or another to use arabic on linux.. Is there anything being done in this field? and how difficult it is to implement it?


Anas Nashif       Universitaet Mannheim

(!) Sorry it took me so long to answer this question. I finally did get around to doing a Yahoo! search on "+Linux +Arabic" and found this reference:
Linux in Turkey
... the references to Arabic ensued from the thread discussion after the main article. So far as I know there is no direct BiDi (bidirectional text) support for Linux yet. Some applications such as emacs/xemacs with MULE (multi language extensions) do provide some support for this. However I don't know much about the details.
Happy Ramadan, and good luck.

Copyright © 1999, James T. Dennis
Published in The Linux Gazette Issue 36 January 1999

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