Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 12:55:15 -0500
From: "Michael O'Keefe",
Organization: Ericsson Research Canada
If you are going to use any of the attributes to the <BODY> tag, then you should supply all of the attributes, even if you supply just the default values.
The default <BODY> tag for Netscape, Mosaic and MSIE is <BODY BGCOLOR=#C0C0C0 TEXT=#000000 LINK=#0000FF VLINK=#0020F0 ALINK=#FF0000>
If you wish to slip the BACKGROUND attribute in there, by all means continue to do so, but for completeness (and good HTML designing) you should supply the other attributes as well.
The reason? You don't know what colors the user has set, and whether just setting a BACKGROUND image, or just a few of the colors will render the page viewable or not. By supplying all of the values, even at their defaults, you ensure that everything contrasts accordingly
Michael O'Keefe |[email protected]_
Lived on and Rode a Honda CBR1000F-H |[email protected] / |
"It can't rain all the time" |Work:+1 514 345 7900 X5030 / |
- The Crow - R.I.P. Brandon |Fax :+1 514 345 7980 /_p_|
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