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LinuxFocus.org: link us

Below you find different file formats with links to articles of the most recent issue of LinuxFocus. Just choose one and include it into your webpage.

Format 1: html full featured

LinuxFocus.org January 2002 articles

QCAD: Technical drawing with Linux, By André Pascual
  read it in:
English Castellano ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Russian

Running applications remote with X11, By Guido Socher
  read it in:
English Castellano ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Italiano Nederlands Portugues Russian Turkce Arabic

Developing Gnome applications with Python (part 2), By Hilaire Fernandes
  read it in:
English ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Turkce

Chrooting All Services in Linux, By Mark Nielsen
  read it in:
English ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Nederlands Turkce Arabic

MySQL and Perl, the marriage of convenience, By Georges Tarbouriech
  read it in:
English Castellano ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Portugues Russian Turkce Arabic

Writing CDs with Linux, By Katja and Guido Socher
  read it in:
English Castellano ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Nederlands Russian Turkce

"Linux System Administration - A User's Guide" by Marcel Gagné, By Egon Willighagen
  read it in:
English ChineseGB Deutsch Francais Portugues Turkce

http://main.linuxfocus.org/ common/linkus/linkushtml_full.html:
This is a full featured html file. You fetch it periodically with curl, lynx -dump or wget and then just use normal apache Server Side Includes
(<!--#include virtual="linkushtml_full.html" -->)
or php
(<?php include ("linkushtml_full.html"); ?>)
The example box you see on the left would e.g look in html as follows. The main part of this html code just produces this box arround it.

<TABLE cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" 
border="0" width="250" align="left" 
      <TABLE cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" 
      border="0" align="CENTER" 
      bgcolor="#BEBEBE" width="100%"
            <TABLE cellspacing="1" 
            cellpadding="3" border="0"
            bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="CENTER" 
                <TD bgcolor="#113366">
                <FONT color="#FFFFFF" size=
                "+1"><!-- TABLE HEAD -->
                 <I>LinuxFocus.org </I> 
                <!-- END TABLE HEAD -->
                </FONT> </TD></TR>
<!--#include virtual="linkushtml_full.html" -->

Format 2: html English pages only

LinuxFocus.org January 2002 articles

  • QCAD: Technical drawing with Linux
  • Running applications remote with X11
  • Developing Gnome applications with Python (part 2)
  • Chrooting All Services in Linux
  • MySQL and Perl, the marriage of convenience
  • Writing CDs with Linux
  • "Linux System Administration - A User's Guide" by Marcel Gagné
http://main.linuxfocus.org/ common/linkus/linkushtml.html:
This is similar to the above format but contains only links to the English articles. You fetch it periodically with curl, lynx -dump or wget and then just use normal apache Server Side Includes
(<!--#include virtual="linkushtml.html" -->)
or php
(<?php include ("linkushtml.html"); ?>)
The example box you see on the left shows how it looks like. This file format is as well easy to post process with e.g perl or other scripts as it is just one "<a href=..." per line.

Format 3: full text file

This file is for further processing with e.g perl. It is one article per line. You get the URLs to languages other than English by replacing the word "English" in the URL with the language name.

Format 4: rss

This file is for further processing with e.g perl XML::RSS. RSS is a file format commonly used on the internet to distribute links to other sites. It was invented by Netscape.

Format 5: text ampersand seperated

This file is for further processing with e.g perl. Fields span over several lines and are seperated by two ampersands.

Contact Guido Socher <guido.socher(at)linuxfocus.org> if you have any technical questions.