int getch()
int wgetch(win)
int mvgetch(y, x)
int mvwgetch(win, y, x)
getch() will read input from the terminal in a manner depending on whether delay mode is set or not. If delay is on, getch() will wait until a key is pressed, otherwise it will return the key in the input buffer or ERR if this buffer is empty. mvgetch(...) and mvwgetch(...) will move the cursor to position y,x first. The w functions read input from the terminal related to the window win, getch() and mvgetch(...) from the terminal related to .
With keypad(...) enabled, getch() will return a code defined in .h as KEY_* macros when a function key is pressed. When ESCAPE is pressed (which can be the beginning of a function key) ncurses will start a one second timer. If the remainder of the keystroke is not finished in this second, the key is returned. Otherwise, the function key value is returned. (If necessary, use notimeout() to disable the second timer).