Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents
1.1. How things are going to be done
1.2. Conventions used in this book
1.3. Book version
1.3.1. HTTP Mirrors
1.3.2. FTP Mirrors
1.4. Acknowledgments
1.5. Changelog
1.6. Mailing lists and archives
1.6.1. lfs-support
1.6.2. lfs-dev
1.6.3. lfs-announce
1.6.4. lfs-security
1.6.5. lfs-book
1.6.6. alfs-discuss
1.6.7. blfs-dev
1.6.8. blfs-book
1.6.9. blfs-support
1.6.10. Mail archives
1.6.11. How to subscribe?
1.6.12. How to unsubscribe?
1.6.13. Other list modes
1.6.14. Digests
1.6.15. Vacation
1.7. Contact information