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Shading is the process of calculating the color of a pixel from user-specified surface properties and the shading model. Texturing is a method of varying the surface properties from point to point in order to give the appearance of surface detail that is not actually present in the geometry of the surface. [1]A shader is a procedure called by the renderer to apply colors and textures to an object. This can include the surface of objects like block or spheres, the internal space of a solid object, or even the space between objects (the atmosphere). Although based on Peachy's description would imply that shaders only affect the coloring of surfaces (or atmosphere, etc), shaders handle both shading and texturing in the RenderMan environment.
AttributeBegin Color [0.9 0.6 0.6] Surface "myshader" ReadArchive "object.rib" AttributeEndThis example uses a surface shader (we'll talk about shader types in a moment). The name in double quotes is the name of the shader procedure which is not necessarily the name of the shader source file. Since shaders are procedures they have procedure names. In the above example the procedure name is myshader. This happens to the be same as the base portion (without the suffix) of the shader source filename. The shader compiler doesn't concern itself with the name of the source file, however, other than to know which file to compile. The output filename used for the .so file is the name of the procedure. So if you name your procedure differently than the source file you'll get a differently named compiled .so file. Although this isn't necessarily bad, it does make it a little hard to keep track of your shaders. In any case, the name of the procedure is the name used in the RIB (or C binding) when calling the shader. In the above example, "myshader" is the name of the procedure, not the name of the source file.
The RenderMan Interface specifies six types of shaders, distinguished by the inputs they use and the kinds of output they produce.The text then goes on to describe the following shader types:
Light Source Shaders
Light sources in the RenderMan Shading Language are provided a position and direction and return the color of the light originating from that light and striking the current surface point. The RenderMan specification provides for a set of default light shaders that are very useful and probably cover the most common lighting configurations an average user might encounter. These default shaders include ambient light (the same amount of light thrown in all directions), distant lights (such as the Sun), point lights, spot lights, and area lights. All light sources have an intensity that defines how bright the light shines. Lights can be made to cast shadows or not cast shadows. The more lights that cast shadows you have in a scene the longer it is likely to take to render the final image. During scene design and testing its often advantagous to keep shadows turned off for most lights. When the scene is ready for its final rendering turn the shadows back on.
Ambient light can be used to brighten up a generally dark image but the effect is "fake" and can cause an image to be washed out, losing its realism. Ambient light should be kept small for any scene, say with an intensity of no more than 0.03. Distant lights provide a light that shines in one direction with all rays being parallel. The Sun is the most common example of a distant light source. Stars are also considered distant lights. If a scene is to be lit by sunlight it is often considered a good idea to have distant lights be the only lights to cast shadows. Distant lights do not have position, only direction.
Spot lights are the familiar lights which sit at a particular location in space and shine in one generalized direction covering an area specified by a cone whose tip is the spot light. A spot lights intensity falls off exponentially with the angle from the centerline of the cone. The angle is specified in radians, not degress as with POV-Ray. Specifying the angle in degrees can have the effect of severly over lighting the area covered by the spot light. Point lights also fall off in intensity, but do so with distance from the lights location. A point light shines in all directions at once so does not contain direction but does have position.
Area lights are series of point lights that take on the shape of an object to which they are attached. In this way a the harshness of the shadows cast by a point light can be lessened by creating a larger surface of emitted light. I was not able to learn much about area lights so can't really go into detail on how to use them here.
Most light source shaders use one of two illumination functions: illuminate() and solar(). Both provides ways of integrating light sources on a surface over a finite cone. illuminate() allows for the specification of position for the light source, while solar() is used for light sources that are considered very distant, like the Sun or stars. I consider the writing of light source shaders to be a bit of an advanced topic since the use of the default light source shaders should be sufficient for the novice user to which this article is aimed. Readers should consult The RenderMan Companion and The RenderMan Specification for details on the use of the default shaders.
Surface Shaders
Surface shaders are one of the two types of shaders novice users will make use of most often (the other is displacement shaders). Surface shaders are used to determine the color of light reflected by a given surface point in a particular direction. Surface shaders are used to create wood grains or the colors of an eyeball. They also define the opacity of a surface, ie the amount of light that can pass through a point (the points transparency). A point that is totally opaque allows no light to pass through it, while a point that is completely transparent reflects no light.
The majority of the examples which follow will cover surface shaders. One will be a displacement shader.
Volume Shaders
A volume shader affects light traveling to towards the camera as it passes though and around objects in a scene. Interior volume shaders determine the effect on the light as it passes through an object. Exterior volume shaders affect the light in the "empty space" around an object. Atmospheric shaders handle the space between objects. Exterior and interior volume shaders differ from atmospheric shaders in that the latter operate on all rays originating from the camera (remember that ray tracing traces the lights ray in reverse from nature - from camera to light source). Exterior and interior shaders work only on secondary rays, those rays spawned by the trace() function in shaders. Atmospheric shaders are used for things like fog and mist. Volume shaders are a slightly more advanced topic which I'll try to cover in a future article.
Displacement Shaders
The texture of an object can vary in many ways, from very smooth to very bumpy, from smooth bumps to jagged edges. With ordinary surface shaders a texture can be simulated with the use of a bump map. Bump maps perturb the normal of a point on the surface of an object so that the point appears to be raised, lowered, or otherwised moved from its real location. A bump map describes the variations in a surfaces orientation. Unfortunately, this is only a trick and the surface point is not really moved. For some surfaces this trick works well when viewed from the proper angle. But when seen edge on the surface variations disapper - the edge is smooth. A common example is an orange. With a bump map applied the orange appears to be pitted over its surface. The edge of the sphere, however, is smooth and the pitting effect is lost. This is where displacement shaders come in.
In The RenderMan Interface Specification[3] it says
The displacement shader environment is very similar to a surface shader, except that it only has access to the geometric surface parameters. [A displacement shader] computes a new P [point] and/or a new N [normal for that point].A displacement shader operates across a surface, modifying the physical location of each point. These modifications are generally minor and of a type that would be much more difficult (and computationally expensive) to specify individually. It might be difficult to appreciate this feature until you've seen what it can do. Plate 9 in [4] shows an ordinary cylinder modified with the threads() displacement shader to create the threads on the base of a lightbulb. Figures 1-3 shows a similar (but less sophisticated) example. Without the use of the displacement shader, each thread would have to be made with one ore more individual objects. Even if the computational expense for the added objects were small, the effort required to model these objects correctly would still be significant. Displacement shaders offer procedural control over the shape of an object.
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An ordinary cylinder |
Note that in this case the renderer attributes have not been turned on. The edges of the cylinder are flat, despite the apparent non-flat surface. |
Same cylinder with true displacements In this image the renderer attributes have been turned on. The edges of the cylinder reflect the new shape of the cylinder. |
Figure 1 | Figure 2 | Figure 3 |
Attribute "render" "truedisplacement" 1 Attribute "displacementbound" "coordinatesystem" "object" "sphere" 2The first of these turns on the true displacement attribute so that displacement shaders actually modify the position of a point on the surface. The second specifies how much the bounding box around the object should grow in order to enclose the modified points. How this works is that the attribute tells the renderer how much the bounding box is likely to grow in object space. The renderer can't no before hand how much a shader might modify a surface, so this statement provides a maximum to help the renderer with bounding boxes around displacement mapped objects. Remember that bounding boxes are used help speed up ray-object hit tests by the renderer. Note that you can compute the possible change caused by the displacement in some other space, such as world or camera. Use whatever is convenient. The "sphere" tag lets the renderer know that the bounding box will grow in all directions evenly. Currently BMRT only supports growth in this manner, so no other values should be used here.
Transformation and Imager Shaders
BMRT doesn't support Transformation Shaders (neither does Pixar's PRMan apparently). Apparently transformation shaders are supposed to operate on geometric coordinates to apply "non-linear geometric transformations". According to [5]
The purpose of a transformation shader is to modify a coordinate system.It is used to deform the geometry of a scene without respect to any particular surface. This differs from a displacement shader because the displacement shader operates on a point-by-point basis for a given surface. Transformation shaders modify the current transform, which means they can affect all the objects in a scene.
surface matte ( float Ka = 1; float Kd = 1; ) { point Nf; /* * Calculate the normal which is facing the * direction that points towards the camera. */ Nf = faceforward (normalize(N),I); Oi = Os; Ci = Os * Cs * (Ka * ambient() + Kd * diffuse(Nf)); }This is the matte surface shader provided in the BMRT distribution. The matte surface shader happens to be one of a number of required shaders that The RenderMan Interface Specification says a RenderMan compliant renderer must provide.
Shader procedure names
The first thing to notice is the procedure type and name. In this case the shader is a surface shader and its name is "matte". When this code is compiled by slc it will produce a shader called "matte" in a file called "". Procedure names can be any name that is not a reserved RIB statement. Procedure names may contain letters, numbers and underscores. They may not contain spaces.
Variables and scope
There are a number of different kinds of variables that are used with shaders: Instance variables, global variables, and local variables. Instance variables are the variables used as parameters to the shader. When calling a shader these variables are declared (if they have not already been declared) and assigned a value to be used for that instance of the shader. For example, the matte shader provides two parameters that can have appropriate values specified when the shader is instanced within the RIB file. Lets say we have a sphere for which we will shade using the matte shader. We would specify the instance variables like so:
AttributeBegin Declare "Kd" "float" Declare "Ka" "float" Surface "matte" "Kd" 0.5 "Ka" 0.5 Sphere 1 -.5 .5 360 AttributeEndThe values specified for Kd and Ks are the instance variables and the renderer will use these values for this instance of the shader. Instance variables are generally known only to the shader upon the initial call for the current instance.
Data types and expressions
Shaders have access to only 4 data types: one scalar type, two vector types, and a string type. A string can be defined and used by a shader, but it cannot be modified. So an instance variable that passes in a string value cannot be modified by the shader, nor can a local string variable be modified once it has been defined.
The scaler type used by shaders is called a float type. Shaders must use float variables even for integer calculations. The point type is a a 3 element array of float values which describe a point in some space. By default the point is in world space in BMRT (PRMan uses camera space by default), but it is possible to convert the point to object, world, texture or some other space within the shader. On point can be transformed to a different space using the transform statement. For example:
float y = ycomp(transform("object",P));will convert the current point to object space and return the Y component of the new point into the float variable y. The other vector type is also a 3 element array of float values that specify a color. A color type variable can be defined as follows:
color Cp = color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
A shader need not be a completely self contained entity. It can call external routines, known as functions. The RenderMan Interface Specificatoin predefines a large number of functions that are available to shader authors using BMRT. The following list is just a sample of these predefined functions:
#include "" surface matte ( float Ka = 1; float Kd = 1; ) { point Nf; float fuzz = 0.05 color Ol; /* * Calculate the normal which is facing the * direction that points towards the camera. */ Nf = faceforward (normalize(N),I); Ol = pulse(0.35, 0.65, fuzz, s); Oi = Os*Ol; Ci = Os * Cs * (Ka * ambient() + Kd * diffuse(Nf)); }The actual function is defined in the file as
#define pulse(a,b,fuzz,x) (smoothstep((a)-(fuzz),(a),(x)) - \ smoothstep((b)-(fuzz),(b),(x)))A shader could just as easily contain the #defined value directly without including another file, but if the function is useful shader authors may wish to keep them in a separate library similar to In this example, the variable s is the left-to-right component of the current texture coordinate. "s" is a component of the texture space, which we'll cover in the section on coordinate systems. "s" is a global variable which is why it is not defined within the sample code.
Note: This particular example might not be very useful. It is just meant to show how to include functions from a function library.
Functions are only callable by the shader, not directly by the renderer. This means a function cannot be used directly in a RIB file or referenced using the C binding to the RenderMan Interface. Functions cannot be recursive - they cannot call themselves. Also, all variables passed to functions are passed by reference, not by value. It is important to remember this last item so that your function doesn't inadvertantly make changes to variables you were not expecting.
The shading language provides the following statements for flow control:
Coordinate Systems
There are number of coordinate systems used by RenderMan. Some of these I find easy to understand by themselves, others are more difficult - especially when used within shaders. In a shader, the surface of an object is mapped to a 2 dimensional rectangular grid. This grid runs from coordinates (0,0) in the upper left corner to (1,1) in the lower right corner. The grid is overlayed on the surface, so on a rectangular patch the mapping is obvious. On a sphere the upper corners of the grid map to the same point on the top of the sphere. This grid is known as parameter space and any point in this space is referred to by the global variables u and v. For example, a point on the surface which is in the exact center of the grid would have (u,v) coordinates (.5, .5).
Similar to parameter space is texture space. Texture space is a mapping of a texture map that also runs from 0 to 1, but the variables used for texture space are s and t. By default, texture space is equivalent to parameter space unless either vertex variables (variables applied to vertices of primitive objects like patches or polygons) or the TextureCoordinates statement have modified the texture space of the primitive being shaded. Using the default then, a texture map image would have its upper left corner mapped to the upper left corner of the parameter space grid overlying the objects surface, and the lower right corner of the image would be mapped to the lower right corner of the grid. The image would therefore cover the entire object. Since the texture space does not have to be equivalent to parameter space it would be possible to map an image to only a portion of an object. Unfortunately, I didn't get far enough this month to provide an example of how to do this. Maybe next month.
There are other spaces as well: world space, object space, and shader space. How each of these affects the shading and texturing characteristics is not completely clear to me yet. Shader space is the default space in which shaders operate, but points in shader space can be transformed to world or object space before being operated on. I don't know exactly what this means or why you'd want to do it just yet
One of the most fundamental problem solving techniques is "divide and conquer." That is, break down a complex problem into simpler parts; solve the simpler parts; then combine those parts to solve the original complex problem.The basic structure of a shader is similar to a procedure in C - the shader is declared to be a particular type (surface, displacement, and so forth) and a set of typed parameters are given. Unlike C, however, shader parameters are required to have default values provided. In this way a shader may be instanced without the use of any instance variables. If any of the parameters are specified with instance variables then the value in the instance variable overrides the parameters default value. An minimalist shader might look like the following:In shaders, [we] break down complicated surface patterns and textures into layers. Each layer should be fairly easy to write (if not, then we can break the layer into sub-layers). Then, [we] combine the layers by compositing.
surface null () { }In fact, this is exactly the definition of the null shader. Don't ask me why such a shader exists. I'm sure the authors of the specification had a reason. I just don't know what it is. Adding a few parameters, we start to see the matte shader forming:
surface matte ( float Ka = 1; float Kd = 1; ) { }The parameters Ka and Kd have their default values provided. Note that Ka is commonly used in the shaders in Guido Quaroni's archive of shaders to represent a scaling factor for ambient light. Similarly, Kd is used to scale diffuse light. These are not global variables, but they are well known variables, much like "i", "j", and "k" are often used as counters in C source code (a throwback to the heady days of Fortran programming).
#include "" surface matte ( float Ka = 1; float Kd = 1; ) { point Nf; float fuzz = 0.05 color Ol; /* * Calculate the normal which is facing the * direction that points towards the camera. */ Nf = faceforward (normalize(N),I); Ol = pulse(0.35, 0.65, fuzz, s); Oi = Os*Ol; Ci = Os * Cs * (Ka * ambient() + Kd * diffuse(Nf)); }Nothing special here. It looks very much like your average C procedure. Now we get into methodologies. May [8] shows us how a layered shader's psuedo-code might look:
surface banana(...) { /* background (layer 0) */ surface_color = yellow-green variations; /* layer 1 */ layer = fibers; surface_color = composite layer on surface_color; /* layer 2 */ layer = bruises; surface_color = composite layer on surface_color; /* layer 3 */ layer = bites; surface_color = composite layer on surface_color; /* illumination */ surface_color = illumination based on surface_color and illum params; /* output */ Ci = surface_color; }What is happening here is that the lowest level applies yellow-and green colors to the surface, after which a second layer has fiber colors composited (blended or overlayed) in. This continues for each of 4 defined layers (0 through 3) plus an illumination calculation to determine the relative brightness of the current point. Finally, the newly computed surface color is ouput via a global variable. Using this sort of methodology makes writing a shader much easier as well as allowing other shader authors to debug and/or extend the shader in the future. A shader file is therefore sort of bottom-up design, where the bottom layers of the surface are calculated first and the topmost layers are computed last.
A colored cross pattern
This example is taken verbatim from RManNotes by Stephen F. May. The shader creates a two color cross pattern. In this example the pattern is applied to a simple plane (a bilinear patch). Take a look at the source code.
color surface_color, layer_color; color surface_opac, layer_opac;
The first thing you notice is that this shader defines two local color variables: surface_color and layer_color. The layer_color variable is used to compute the current layers color. The surface_color variable is used to composite the various layers of the shader. Two other variables, surface_opacity and layer_opacity, work similarly for the opacity of the current layer. The first layer is a verticle stripe. The shader defines the color for this layer and then determines the opacity for the current point by using a function called pulse(). This is a function provided by May in his "" function library. The pulse() function allows the edges of the stripes in this shader to flow smoothly from one color to another (take a look at the edges of the stripes in the sample image). pulse() uses the fuzz variable to determine how fuzzy the edges will be. Finaly, for each layer the layers color and opacity are blended together to get the new surface color. The blend() function is also part of and is an extension of the RenderMan Interface's mix() function, which mixes color and opacity values. |
Oi = surface_opac; Ci = surface_opac * surface_color;These two values are used by the renderer to compute pixel values in the output image.
Adding opacity - a wireframe shader
This example is taken from the RenderMan Companion. It shows how a shader can be used to cut out portions of a solid surface. We use the first example as a backdrop for a sphere that is shaded with the screen() shader from the RenderMan Companion text (the name of the shader as used here is slightly different because it is taken from the collection of shaders from Guido Quaroni, who changed the names of some shaders to reflect their origins). First lets look at the sceen using the "plastic" shader (which comes as a default shader in the BRMT distribution). Figure 5 shows how this scene renders. The sphere is solid in this example. The RIB code for this contains the following lines:
AttributeBegin Color [ 1.0 0.5 0.5 ] Surface "plastic" Sphere 1 -1 1 360 AttributeEndIn Figure 6 the sphere has been changed to a wireframe surface. The only difference between this scene and Figure 5 is the surface shader used. For Figure 6 the rib code looks like this: AttributeBegin Color [ 1.0 0.5 0.5 ] Surface "RCScreen" Sphere 1 -1 1 360 AttributeEndThe rest of the RIBs are exactly the same. Now lets look at the screen() shader code. surface RCScreen( float Ks = .5, Kd = .5, Ka = .1, roughness = .1, density = .25, frequency = 20; color specularcolor = color (1,1,1) ) { varying point Nf = faceforward( normalize(N), I ); point V = normalize(-I); |
if( mod(s*frequency,1) < density || mod(t*frequency,1) < density ) Oi = 1.0; else Oi = 0.0; Ci = Oi * ( Cs * ( Ka*ambient() + Kd*diffuse(Nf) ) + specularcolor*Ks* specular(Nf,V,roughness)); }
A simple paper shader
While working on my entry for the March/April 1997 round of the IRTC I wrote my first shader - a shader to simulate 3 holed notebook paper. This simplistic shader offers some of the characteristics of the previous examples in producing regularly spaced horizontal and verticle lines plus the added feature of fully transparent circular regions that are positioned by instance variables. We start by defining the parameters needed by the shader. There are quite a few more parameters than the other shaders. The reason for this is that this shader works on features which are not quite so symmetrical. You can also probably chalk it up to my inexperience.
color hcolor = color "rgb" (0, 0, 1); color vcolor = color "rgb" (1, 0, 0); float hfreq = 34; float vfreq = 6; float skip = 4; float paper_height = 11; float paper_width = 8.5; float density = .03125; float holeoffset = .09325; float holeradius = .01975; float hole1 = 2.6; float hole2 = 18; float hole3 = 31.25;The colors of the horizontal and vertical lines come first. There are, by default, 34 lines on the paper with the first 4 "skipped" to give the small header space at the top of the paper. The vertical frequency is used to divide the paper in n equal vertical blocks across the page. This is used to determine the location of the single verticle stripe. We'll look at this again in a moment.
surface_color = Cs;This line simply initializes a local variable to the current color of the surface. We'll use this value in computing a new surface color based on whether the point is on a horizontal or vertical line. /* * Layer 1 - horizontal stripes. * There is one stripe for every * horizontal block. The stripe is * "density" thick and starts at the top of * each block, except for the first "skip" * blocks. */ tt = t*paper_height; for ( horiz=skip; horiz<hfreq; horiz=horiz+1 ) { min = horiz*hblock; max = min+density; val = smoothstep(min, max, tt); if ( val != 0 && val != 1 ) surface_color = mix(hcolor, Cs, val); }This loop runs through all the horizontal blocks on the paper (defined by the hfreq parameter) and determines if the point lies between the top of the block and the top of the block plus the width of a horizontal line (specified with the density parameter). |
min = horiz*hblock; max = min+density; val = smoothstep(min, max, tt); if ( val != 0 && val != 1 ) surface_color = val*hcolor;Alternatively, the line color could be used on its own, without combining it with the value returned from the smooth step. This gives a very jagged line, but the line is much darker even when used with smaller line densities. The result from using the line color alone (with a smaller line density) can be seen in Figure 9.
/* Layer 2 - vertical stripe */ ss = s*paper_width; min = vblock; max = min+density; val = smoothstep(min, max, ss); if ( val != 0 && val != 1 ) surface_color = mix(vcolor, Cs, val);This next bit of code does exactly the same as the previous code except it operates on the vertical line. Since there is only one verticle line there is no need to check every vertical block, only the one which will contain the visible stripe (which is specified with the vblock parameter).
shole = holeoffset*paper_width; ss = s*paper_height; tt = t*paper_height; pos = (ss,tt,0);Note that we use the papers height for converting the ss,tt variables into the scale of the paper width and height. Why? Because if we used the width for ss we would end up with eliptical holes. There is probably a better way to deal with this problem (of making the holes circular) but this method worked for me.
/* First Hole */ thole = hole1*hblock; hpos = (shole, thole, 0); Oi = filterstep (holeradius*paper_width, distance(pos,hpos)); /* Second Hole */ thole = hole2*hblock; hpos = (shole, thole, 0); Oi *= filterstep (holeradius*paper_width, distance(pos,hpos)); /* Third Hole */ thole = hole3*hblock; hpos = (shole, thole, 0); Oi *= filterstep (holeradius*paper_width, distance(pos,hpos));Filterstep is, again, a standard function in the RenderMan specification. However, this function was not documented by either the RenderMan Interface Specification or the RenderMan Companion. According to Larry Gritz
The filterstep() function is identical to step, except that it is analytically antialiased. Similar to the texture() function, filterstep actually takes the derivative of its second argument, and "fades in" at a rate dependent on how fast that variable is changing. In technical terms, it returns the convolution of the step function with a filter whose width is about the size of a pixel. So, no jaggies.Thus, using filterstep() helped to antialias the edges of the holes (although its not that obvious from such a small image given in Figures 8 and 9). I didn't try it, but I bet filterstep() could probably be used to fix the problems with the horizontal and vertical lines.
A textured mapped chalkboard
This simple texture map example is used in my Post Detention image which I entered in the March/April 1997 IRTC. The actual shader is taken from the archive collection by Guido Quaroni, and the shader originally comes from Larry Knott (who I presume works at Pixar). I didn't add an image of this since all you would see would be the original image mapped on a flat plane, which really doesn't show anything useful. If you want to take a look at the chalkboard in a complete scene, take a look at the companion article in this months Graphics Muse column.
Like the other shader examples, this one is fairly straightforward. An image filename is passed in the texturename parameter. Note that image files must be TIFF files for use with BMRT. The texture coordinates are used to grab a value from the image file which is then combined with the ambient and diffuse lighting for the incident ray. If a specular highlight has been specified (which it is by default in the Ks parameter) then a specular highlight is added to the incident ray. Finally, the output value, Ci, is combined with the surfaces opacity for the final color to be used by the current surface point.
Displacement map example
We've already seen an example of displacement maps using the threads() shader. Lets take a quick look at the shader code:
magnitude = (sin( PI*2*(t*frequency + s + phase))+offset) * Km;Here, the displacement of the surface point is determined by using a phased sinusoidal. The t variable determines the position lengthwise across the surface and s is used to cause the spiraling effect. The next bit of code
if( t > (1-dampzone)) magnitude *= (1.0-t) / dampzone; else if( t < dampzone ) magnitude *= t / dampzone;causes the ends of the surface, in our case a cylinder, to revert to the original shape. For our example that means this forces the shader to leave the ends circular. This helps to keep the object that has been threaded in a shape that is easily joined to other objects. In the RenderMan Companion, the threaded cylinder is joined to a glass bulb to form a light bulb. Finally, the last two lines
P += normalize(N) * magnitude; N = calculatenormal(P);cause the point to be moved and the normal for the new point to be calculated. In this way the point visually appears to have moved, which indeed it has.
Next month I planned on doing the 3rd part of this 3 part BMRT series. I think taking 2 months between articles worked well for me this time since it allowed me a little more time to dig deeper. Plan on the final article on BMRT in this series in the July issue of the Graphics Muse. Till then, happy rendering.
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