#!/usr/local/bin/wish # # syslogtk a simple tcl/tk script which is used to continuously display # a syslog logging file # # Author: John M. Fisk # Version: $Id: syslogtk,v 1997/09/14 15:01:44 schwarz Exp $ ############################################################################# # SET GLOBAL VARIABLES # ############################################################################# # path to initial log file set logFile /var/adm/syslog # number of rows in Maximized and Minimized window set maxRows 25 set minRows 5 # initial number of rows & cols and the number of lines to 'tail' set initRows $minRows set initCols 80 set tailLines 200 # on occasion, tail seems to "hang" after pppd terminates; as a kludge, set # up "auto-update" which restarts the tail process every autoUpdateMIN minutes set autoUpdateMIN 20 ############################################################################# # PROCEDURE DEFINITIONS # ############################################################################# proc CreateWindow { rows cols } { # # creates the primary set of widgets and displays the main window -- # it accepts two arguments: the no. of rows and cols of the text # widget in which the file is displayed global logFile maxRows minRows tailLines fileList # FRAMES frame .mbar -relief raised -bd 2 frame .info -relief flat frame .text -relief groove -bd 2 frame .btn -relief sunken -bd 2 pack .mbar .info .text .btn \ -side top -fill x -padx 1m -pady 1m # MENUBAR menubutton .mbar.file -text "File" -underline 0 -menu .mbar.file.menu pack .mbar.file -side left # ADD FILES IN /var/adm TO MENU # for this to work, the user must have read permission on the files in # /var/adm menu .mbar.file.menu -tearoff false foreach f [lsort [glob /var/adm/*]] { if {[file isfile $f] && [file readable $f]} { .mbar.file.menu add command -label $f \ -command [list ViewFile $f] } } .mbar.file.menu add separator .mbar.file.menu add command -label "Exit" -command { exit } tk_menuBar .mbar .mbar.file # FILENAME LABEL label .info.lbl -text "System Log File: " entry .info.ent -textvariable logFile -relief flat pack .info.lbl .info.ent -side left # TEXT AND SCROLLBAR WIDGETS text .text.txt -relief raised -bd 2 -yscrollcommand ".text.sB set" \ -width $cols -height $rows -wrap word scrollbar .text.sB -command ".text.txt yview" pack .text.sB -side right -fill y pack .text.txt -side left # OPERATION BUTTONS button .btn.head -text "Goto Head" -command { .text.txt see 1.0 } button .btn.tail -text "Goto End" -command { .text.txt see end } button .btn.incr -text "Maximize Window" -command { .text.txt configure -height $maxRows .text.txt see end } button .btn.decr -text "Minimize Window" -command { .text.txt configure -height $minRows update .text.txt see end } button .btn.update -text "Update" -command { KillTail LoadFile $logFile $tailLines } button .btn.quit -text "QUIT" -command { KillTail exit } pack .btn.head .btn.tail .btn.incr .btn.decr .btn.update .btn.quit \ -side left -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x -expand TRUE } proc LoadFile { file lines } { # # uses ``tail'' to display the file and ``fileevent'' to continuously # update the display. it takes two arguments: the path to file which # is to be displayed and the number of lines to tail global logFD tailPID if [catch { open "|tail -n $lines -f $file" RDONLY } logFD] { puts stderr $logFD } else { .text.txt delete 1.0 end set tailPID [pid $logFD] fileevent $logFD readable { gets $logFD line .text.txt insert end $line\n .text.txt see end } } } proc ViewFile { filename } { # # This loads another log file in /var/adm by killing the current tail # process and then loading up the file specified by "filename" global logFile tailLines set logFile $filename KillTail LoadFile $filename $tailLines } proc KillTail {} { # # Kills the tail process and closes the file global logFD tailPID catch {exec kill -SIGTERM $tailPID} catch {close $logFD} } proc AutoUpdate { intervalMIN } { # # This automatically updates the display every ``interval'' minutes .btn.update invoke after [expr $intervalMIN * 60 * 1000 ] AutoUpdate $intervalMIN } ############################################################################# # MAIN PROGRAM # ############################################################################# # create window, load the default logfile, and start auto-updating CreateWindow $initRows $initCols LoadFile $logFile $tailLines AutoUpdate $autoUpdateMIN