3. Install the Packages

3.1. Install OpenJade

3.1.1. openjade

Here is what to do, but remember to read the files that come with OpenJade to see if there are any things you want to do special for your platform:

               cd /usr/local
                tar -xvzf ~/openjade-1.3.tar.gz
                cd openjade-1.3
                ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openjade-1.3
                make install

                # Once installed, the objects etc. can be deleted.
                make clean
The installation puts libraries in /usr/local/openjade-1.3/lib, so you might like to add it to /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig. Add /usr/local/openjade-1.3/bin to your $PATH.

3.1.2. jadetex & pdfjadetex

As mentioned, jadetex and pdfjadetex are TeX macros that are packaged with OpenJade. They can be found in /usr/local/openjade-3.1/dsssl. A handy guide to installing these macros was prepared by Frank Atanassow Christoph and can be found at:



The following, is based on the instructions in install.pdf: Create hugelatex (if needed)

The jadetex and pdfjadetex tex macros require more memory than a regular run of tex. The default tex memory limit configuration is often too limited. The tex configuration file, texmf.cnf, can be edited and variables which limit tex's memory use can be increased. But rather than just editing the texmf.cnf file to allow tex in all instances to have more memory, a custom tex context can be created, called hugelatex. If hugelatex is already configured on your system, you can skip this subsection (which hugelatex).

Verify that a working TeX is installed and find its directory:

               bash$ which tex
                bash$ kpsewhich -expand-var='$TEXMFMAIN'

Using which should find the location of the tex program. If its not found, then you might need to install teTeX then return here. kpsewhich is a utility that comes with teTeX and finds the main tex directory if all goes well.

Now that the texmf directory is known, installation can begin:

               cd /usr/share/texmf
                cd tex/latex
                cp -r config config-temp
                cd config-temp
                tex -ini -progname=hugelatex latex.ini
                mv latex.fmt hugelatex.fmt
                mv hugelatex.fmt /usr/share/texmf/web2c
                cd ..
                rm -r config-temp
                cd /usr/share/texmf/bin
                ln -s tex hugelatex
                cd /usr/share/texmf/web2c
The web2c directory contains the texmf.cnf configuration file. Make a backup of this file: cp texmf.cnf texmf.cnf.orig. Edit the file using whatever editor you like, and add the following lines at the end:
               % hugelatex settings
                extra_mem_top.hugelatex = 8000000
                extra_mem_bot.hugelatex = 8000000
                hash_extra.hugelatex = 15000
                pool_size.hugelatex = 5000000
                string_vacancies.hugelatex = 45000
                max_strings.hugelatex = 55000
                pool_free.hugelatex = 47500
                nest_size.hugelatex = 500
                param_size.hugelatex = 1500
                save_size.hugelatex = 5000
                stack_size.hugelatex = 15000

                % jadetex
                extra_mem_top.jadetex = 8000000
                extra_mem_bot.jadetex = 8000000
                hash_extra.jadetex = 20000
                pool_size.jadetex = 5000000
                string_vacancies.jadetex = 45000
                max_strings.jadetex = 55000
                pool_free.jadetex = 47500
                nest_size.jadetex = 500
                param_size.jadetex = 1500
                save_size.jadetex = 5000
                stack_size.jadetex = 15000

                % pdfjadetex
                extra_mem_top.pdfjadetex = 8000000
                extra_mem_bot.pdfjadetex = 8000000
                hash_extra.pdfjadetex = 20000
                pool_size.pdfjadetex = 5000000
                string_vacancies.pdfjadetex = 45000
                max_strings.pdfjadetex = 55000
                pool_free.pdfjadetex = 47500
                nest_size.pdfjadetex = 500
                param_size.pdfjadetex = 1500
                save_size.pdfjadetex = 5000
                stack_size.pdfjadetex = 15000
Here, we've gone ahead and added entries for jadetex and pdfjadetex, which we'll be setting up below. You can play with these memory settings any way you like if you experience trouble with them.

After setting up hugelatex, like above, it may not work until the texhash program is called:

               root# texhash
                texhash: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
                texhash: Updating /var/cache/fonts/ls-R...
                texhash: Done.
 jadetex & pdfjadetex

Setting up jadetex and pdfjadetex is similar to hugelatex.

               cd /usr/local/openjade-1.3/dsssl
                make -f Makefile.jadetex install
                # make creates and installs the .fmt
                # files to /usr/share/texmf/web2c

                # Now create symlinks ...
                cd /usr/share/texmf/bin
                ln -s tex jadetex
                ln -s pdftex pdfjadetex

                # Finally, run texhash.
                root# texhash
This Makefile uses hugelatex, so hugelatex must have been setup already. When tex is run as hugelatex, jadetex, or pdfjadetex, it gets its program name (context) from argv[0] in the environment. Then, it scans texmf.cnf, and uses any context-specific settings it finds. The format (.fmt) files in /usr/share/texmf/web2c are also loaded based on the context.

Jadetex takes a tex file generated from openjade, and outputs a dvi. pdfjadetex takes a tex file generated from openjade, and outputs a pdf. The dvips program takes the dvi and outputs a postscript ps file.

3.2. DocBook SGML DTD

3.2.1. Unpack the DocBook SGML DTD

The DocBook DTD is just some sgml text files, so there is nothing to compile. Just unzip them somewhere:

               # DocBook DTD V4.1 in
                # /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.1

                cd /usr/local/share
                mkdir sgml; cd sgml
                mkdir docbook; cd docbook
                mkdir 4.1; cd 4.1
                unzip -a ~/docbk41.zip
If you install doctools-1.2 from the XFree86 distribution, it will put some older versions of DocBook DTD, like 2.4.1/ and 3.0/ in subdirectories of docbook.

There are some differences between the different versions of the DocBook DTD. The xxissues.txt files document those issues. Tags have been added, removed, and renamed between the versions.

If you need to use DocBook DTD V3.1, it is available from the same place where V4.1 is downloaded. V3.1 is used a lot, so its a good idea to get it and install it in a 3.1/ subdirectory.

3.2.2. Unpack the ISO8879 Entities

For each DocBook DTD version unpacked, go into its directory and unpack the iso8879-entities.tar.gz file:

               cd /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.1
                tar -xvzf ~/iso8879-entities.tar.gz
In each DocBook directory, there should be a docbook.cat file or a catalog file, or both. If both are present, they are likely to be identical. If only docbook.cat is present, go ahead and make a symlink:
               # If needed ...
                cd /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.1
                ln -s docbook.cat catalog

3.3. DocBook DSSSL

Installation of the DocBook DSSSL, which works for all versions of DocBook, is just a matter of unzipping it somwhere.

               cd /usr/local/share/sgml
                mkdir dsssl; cd dsssl
                unzip -a ~/db160.zip

                # If you downloaded the ldp.dsl stylesheet
                # customization, copy it to ...
                cd docbook
                cp ~/ldp.dsl html
                cp ~/ldp.dsl print
                # Copy into both directories.
That's all there is to installing the DSSSL, except for the setup of the $SGML_CATALOG_PATH discussed later. Don't forget to straighten out the file modes and owner/group of these unpacked files - often they are scrambled and inappropriate.

3.4. sgmltools-lite

If you like it, you can install the sgmltools-lite, but it is optional. Its installation is the standard:

               cd /usr/src
                tar -xvzf ~/sgmltools-lite-3.0.2.tar.gz
                cd sgmltools-lite-3.0.2
                make install
This installs the sgmltools python script to /usr/local/bin. Note that it uses python, so if you don't have it, then this package is useless.

One tweak that has to be done to make the sgmltools script work, is you have to edit it and set the path to openjade: vi `which sgmltools`. Consult its docs to learn more about it.

3.5. htmldoc

3.5.1. binary

Preferrably you downloaded a binary distribution of htmldoc for your platform. The installation is straightforward: just unpack it and run the setup. Read the docs in the package for more info.

3.5.2. source

If you downloaded the source, you will also need the Fast Light Tool Kit or else it will not link:


Installation is autoconf style. Just run the configure script, make, make install. If all goes well, it will install in /usr/bin.

3.5.3. ldp_print

The htmldoc program has a few glitches when generating output from html files from openjade. For instance, bullet items are not rendered properly and shaded areas are not always shaded.

To fix this problem, a perl script (ldp_print) is available from www.LinuxDoc.org. The script processes a nochunks html file from openjade and then runs htmldoc on it to produce correctly rendered pdf and ps.

Tip: Get it!

               tar -xvzf ldp_print.tar.gz
                cd ldp_print

                # Copy the lib somewhere where perl looks.
                cp fix_print_html.lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl

                cp ldp_print /usr/local/bin
Take a look at the script in case there are lines in it you need to change for your system. Perhaps someday htmldoc's bugs will be fixed and this script will not be needed anymore.

3.6. DocBook2X and SGMLS.pm (sgmlspl)

3.6.1. sgmlspl

Before the spec files from DocBook2X are of any use, the SGMLS.pm module for perl5 has to be installed, assuming that perl5 is installed. The installation of this module is not as automated as most perl module installs. It uses a Makefile that has to be edited first before running make.

               cd /usr/src
                tar -xvzf ~/SGMLSpm-1.03ii.tar.gz
                cd SGMLSpm

                # Edit Makfile
                vi Makefile
                # In the user options of the Makefile
                # set everything correct for
                # your system.
                # Example:
                #       PERL = /usr/bin/perl
                #       BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
                #       PERL5DIR = /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
                #       MODULEDIR = ${PERL5DIR}/SGMLS
                #       SPECDIR = ${PERL5DIR}
                #       HTMLDIR= /usr/local/apache/htdocs

                make install
sgmlspl gets copied to /usr/local/bin.

3.6.2. docbook2X (docbook2man-spec.pl)

DocBook2X contains no program to compile or install, though it has some scripts you might want to look at, so all there is to do is unpack it somwhere.

               cd /usr/local/share/sgml
                tar -xvzf ~/docbook2X-0.6.0.tar.gz
                cd docbook2X
In the unpacked directory is the docbook2man-spec.pl and a patch file for it that corrects a few things. Applying the patch is optional but recommended.
               patch docbook2man-spec.pl docbook2man-spec.pl.patch
Later, in Using DocBook, you will see how to use sgmlspl and docbook2man-spec.pl to generate a manpage from a refentry docbook document.


The $SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable is used by openjade (and other SGML software) to locate DTDs and DSL (stylesheets). SGML software cannot function without finding these files, which have been unpacked to various directories. Given the setup as done so far, here is how $SGML_CATALOG_FILES can be set in /etc/profile:

# SGML DocBook - openjade sgmltools-lite


# DSSSL stylesheets
#       Norm Walsh's Modular DocBook Stylesheets
#       OpenJade stylesheets
#       sgmltools-lite's stylesheets

# DocBook DTD
#       From OASIS-Open.org
#       These old ones were installed with doctools-1.2 from XFree86.org

# sgmltools-lite catalogs for LinuxDoc

Save your profile, logout and then log back in to take effect.

Installation is complete! In the next section, we'll test the installation and convert some test DocBook files.