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There is lots of information on X Window to be found, on your computer right now, on the Internet, and in some excellent books available at your favorite bookseller. Give some of the following resources a try, they have been extremely helpful to the author, and can be extremely helpful to you, too.
- Check the Linux Documentation Project website for a lot more documentation on Linux, X, and related items.
- sort of a clearinghouse for all things X.
- a headquarters for themes for various window managers.
- The X Consortium's web site is or perhaps it's moved to
- XFree86 can be found at
- The O'Reilly series on X Window! Visit the definitive books on X.
- Much more information on using TrueType with X is at
- The man pages for X, xterm, XFree86, and for any other clients you find yourself using often, are very useful and quite information-packed, and highly recommended. As the oft-repeated saying goes, RTFM.
- There is a Remote X Apps MINI-HOWTO that is very helpful in figuring out how to run local and remote clients with X.
- Don't forget to visit and for the latest on unified desktop environments in Linux, which are becoming more and more commonplace all the time.
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