Mirror sites are in many countries like www.COUNTRYCODE.php.net, where COUNTRYCODE is like us, fe, sk etc.
PHP is IMMENSELY POPULAR on Microsoft Windows platform and is surprisingly more popular than Microsoft's own ASP web scripting language!! A major reason for popularity is that PHP is a object oriented scripting language whereas ASP is not. PHP has a large collection of re-usable classes (objects). PHP runs lot faster than ASP on MS Windows and has more features and functionalities than Microsoft ASP. PHP is much more robust, reliable and powerful than ASP. And the user base of PHP is extremely large because PHP runs on MS Windows, Linux, Mac OS and all UNIX'es. Greatest advantage of PHP is that you can develop on MS Windows and deploy on Linux or UNIX and vice versa!!
There are more PHP users under MS Windows98/NT/2000 than on any other operating system!! Because there is so much demand for PHP on MS Windows 98/NT/2000, a ready to install executable is made and you simply double-click on the exe file to automatically install PHP in just 2 minutes. Download the PHP executable install file from
You need a web-server to run the PHP on MS Windows. You can use MS IIS web server or you can use free Apache web-server for MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000. To save you lot of time here is the ready-to-install setup.exe file for apache for Windows platform:
PHPTriad which is Apache+PHP+MySQL single package is at http://www.phpgeek.com/phptriad.php and at mirrorsite. I very strongly recommend PHPTriad as it is immensely popular among MS Windows users (millions of downloads).
Apache binaries - http://httpd.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/win32
SQL server can be on a seperate box which need not be running MS Windows. You also need a SQL server for doing web development. I recommend that you install Redhat Linux on a very old PC like (Pentium or 486 box) and install the PostgreSQL RPMs on it. You do not need any windows graphics for a database server and at console mode startup the PostgreSQL server. PostgreSQL is about 3 times faster than Oracle or MS SQL server.
The PostgreSQL support code for PHP was written by Adam Sussman
You can also order ready-to-go cheap Linux boxes from -
You can also get PostgreSQL for Windows NT/2000 from http://www.askesis.nl.
See also the PostgreSQL howto at pgsql-howto
See the installation guide and instructions at PHP main site http://www.php.net or INSTALL file in the downloaded package itself.