It is VERY STRONGLY recommended that you use Samba(on cdrom samba*.rpm) and a VNC viewer (or PC X Server) on MS Windows 95/NT. With samba the Unix/Linux CVS server will be like a file server. By using Samba the remote directory on Unix will look like a local folder on MS Windows on the local disk. Install samba*.rpm on Unix/Linux server(which has the CVS repository) and install the VNC viewer (or PC X server) on MS Windows 95/NT/2000 desktop. Using a VNC (or PC X server) you can easily log on to the Unix box and check-out/check-in the files. And you can use tools like Java Visual Cafe or Java JBuilder on MS Windows to edit the files located in Unix/Linux folder(via samba). After editing, you can check-in the files to Unix through VNC or PC X-server.
Advantages of using CVS on Linux/Unix via MS Windows are:
The best tool for remote access is VNC. The VNC is lightweight and is much better than the PC X servers. The VNC is very strongly recommended over PC X server. The remote access methods available are:
Compiling qvwm on Solaris : On Solaris you should install the following packages which you can get from - xpm, imlib, jpeg, libungif, giflib, libpng, tiff. And you can download the binary package for solaris from
Or you can download the qvwm source for solaris from and compile it using gcc.
Troubleshooting compile: You should put unsigned long before arg in usleep() usleep((unsigned long) 10000)
The following PC X servers are available:
There are more than 2 dozen vendors for X servers for Windows:
University resources:
You can also use the ftp tools on MS Windows to transfer files from a Unix/Linux (CVS repository) to windows:
Using Samba and a PC X server it is possible to use CVS on MS Windows platform. And the tools like Symantec Visual Cafe (Java), Inprise JBuilder, MS Visual C++ and others are easily supported by CVS.
You can also store the HTML files on a CVS repository via Samba and easily access them from MS Windows.
To administer samba use the admin tools from Go here and click on "GUI Interfaces Tools".